sábado, 9 de julio de 2016

Who cares if it makes you happy?

Hey everyone! I'm back!

I really don't know how to do this but I needed to write something that's been bothering me lately.

You know, I love many many things and those things are sometimes not the cup of tea of many and sometimes those people are immature enough to pick on me for them. There's nothing I hate more than that.

I love watching TV shows and maybe the ones I watch aren't the best ones but it doesn't matter to me because I love watching them and they make ME happy.

Same with music. Yeah, I love Justin Bieber, I love Taylor Swift, I love One Direction, I love BTS and maaaaaaaaany more. And same with the shows people have always picked on me for being a belieber and when I was younger it hurt, a lot. But I grew up and stop caring so much because I knew that if I liked those people I had a reason and I didn't care what anyone said. Still, deep down it still bothered me.

I guess what I'm trying to say is don't judge what someone likes just because you don't like them. And also, try not  to care so much about what others think of your interest.

If you like something and it makes YOU smile it's worth it, believe me. And if someone in your life is saying shit about it to your face then they are the one not worth it.

Just be yourself and do the things that make YOU happy.

I hope I see you again soon and I hope this made sense although I'm preeeeetty sure it didn't lmao


jueves, 14 de enero de 2016

Helping others.

Hello guys!
I'm back! :)

Last night I was talking to my best friend and she was having some issues and I tried to help her and I think that what I said to her maybe could be useful to some people so I thought I'd rant about it for a bit on here.

You know, life isn't easy and I'm sure we all have had a situation in our own lives to prove so. It doesn't matter what problem you've had to deal with or what has happened to you we always have to try our best to move past that and make the most of our time on Earth and also try our best to be happy! Sometimes it is hard specially if your life is at a down point but you'll get through it and someday remember all you had to do to get to where you are and realize that all those things will make you stronger.

Sometimes when you're having issues you have the urge to talk to someone but realize that nobody is there to listen. That feeling is honestly the worst feeling that you could ever get. Loneliness when you need someone the most. But it's even worse when you do have someone to talk to but they make it look like your issues aren't important and you don't feel valued. That's one of the many reasons why you shouldn't rely so much on others and try your best to find a safe spot and a happy place on your own in case something like that happens. Also, always try to be the kind of friend that is always there when someone else needs you to be. It doesn't matter if then it's not the same way when you need help. Although it will hurt, I assure you that. But no one deserves to feel alone.

Also, never underestimate your own problems. Just because someone else in the world is battling cancer it doesn't mean that your problems are less important. If you're going through something and it's making you feel upset or uncomfortable and you don't want to feel that way you shouldn't! You never should feel that way! And if you're going through depression or anxiety don't think those are minor problems and you don't need to draw attention to them. You shouldn't live with them. Nobody should have to live with anxiety just because it's not as 'serious' as other disorders. You should never hide your problems and you shouldn't feel identified by them either. Those things are just a tiny part of yourself they don't define you. You're not your anxiety the same way someone isn't their anorexia. And you should ask for help if you need to. You shouldn't hide it and worse you should never get used to living with it if it makes your life hard or keeps you from doing things you would like to do.

So remember, if you're going through hell keep going because someday you'll reach heaven and you'll be able to be happy again.


miércoles, 13 de enero de 2016

Hello :)

I've been wanting to use this blog for a while now but I never know where to start or what to say and I didn't really wanted to force myself to write anything so I didn't... I don't really see the point of this post either but I guess I just wanted to say hello. Nobody is reading this, I know that but it doesn't really matter to me. 

So... I guess that's all I'm gonna say today. Hello, welcome if you're reading and I hope we can see eachother again soon :)



Stydia || Salvation